eTransX is compromised by a diverse team of innovators and problem-solvers that have been finding solutions to complex problems since 1999. Our goal is to continually find and implement creative technology solutions to provide better care, improved health and wellbeing outcomes for individuals and communities.
eTransX’s flagship system is the Wellbeing Care Community system (WCC) designed to help communities thrive, prosper, and flourish. The WCC system is a shared community prosperity empowerment platform that will allow a community to effectively engage with families, family support networks, volunteers, peers, community stakeholders, and community based organizations. These are the key services for promoting prospering, flourishing, and thriving. This platform collects and shares real time data that can inform the effort and support the generation of actionable intelligence for decision making.
Our platform can also create and manage service requests and referrals while simultaneously be able to close the loop on those requests and referrals. The system serves as a community command center where every entity can work as a unique collective. Our platform can be used to connect with existing systems to share data with the goal to minimize the need to enter data multiple times and reduce errors in data entry.
A key use of the shared community/regional prosperity platform is to help build and support personal success pathways for rising out of poverty and achieving prosperity. The community-based system can be used to collect information on a person’s/family’s unique circumstances and strengths using assessments. Their information would then be used to help build and manage personalized success pathways (action plans) that would guide and support team members making referrals and service orders. The latter will result in better tracking progress and positive outcomes.